ZAP the GAP Petition Drive

Stop By K-ZAP's Emporium of Swag – Sign 'ZAP THE GAP' & Grab Gear!

Sign the ‘ZAP THE GAP‘ petition at these upcoming events:









(NOTE: Our NEW K-ZAP Emporium Of Swag tent will be making its first appearance at the 3/21 event)


Stay tuned to various appearances by K-ZAP’s Emporium of Swag at Swabbie’s, Carmichael Parks Summer Concert Series, Placer County Fair, and much more to sign our ‘ZAP THE GAP’ petition. Details will be here on upcoming events and on our events page at


Stop by to grab a classic or new K-ZAP shirt or hat—sign the petition at our booth for a FREE K-ZAP sticker!”

[There are no radio stations in the database]